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One of the biggest mistakes freelancers and coaches make is pricing things based on what they think the client will pay (and not what would be worthwhile to them).

For example…

Back when I was a freelance copywriter I was always afraid to charge “too much”.

I didn’t want to offend anyone with my prices…

And I surely didn’t want them to say “no” (cause I needed the money). 

So what did I do?

I charged a lot less than I should have.

Which may have landed me a few clients…

But overall, it was not a wise decision…

Cause all it did was lead to a lot of resentment on my part.

I was always pissed off…

I felt like my clients were taking advantage of me.

So it wasn’t great for me emotionally.

But here’s the thing…

I did this to myself.

It wasn’t my client’s fault.

Cause I’m the one who set the price in the first place.

So all the struggle I went through was on my shoulders. 

Now, here’s what’s interesting…

Many years later (around 2018 or so), I started to take on copy and consulting clients again.

But this time I came at it from a different angle.

I looked at it like “here’s what I’m going to charge, and if people say no, then that’s perfectly ok”

That’s how I was able to quote $100k for a full funnel in 2018…

And how I was able to charge $40k for two days of consulting…

I simply made my prices a number that would make it worth it for me…

And I stuck to ’em.

I didn’t change them if a client couldn’t afford it.

Or if they thought I was asking for too much.

I simply said “sounds like we’re not a fit”…

And I moved on to someone else…

Now here’s the big point I want you to take away from my adventures in freelancing…

Your pricing should be based on what makes the project worthwhile to YOU.

It shouldn’t be based on industry averages…

Or what the client can pay…

It should be based on what makes the project worth it for YOU. 

That’s a very simple idea.

But it’s one that can be a gamechanger for any copywriter or coach who’s quoting their own price.

So keep it in mind.

And enjoy your Monday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.