One of the smartest things you can do as a marketer is to take what’s already working and do more of it…
For example…
I mentioned in a previous email that I went shopping at Target the other day.
And one thing I noticed about Target while I was there, is that all their stores are set up the same way.
The store here in Maui is the exact same setup as the one in Austin.
Because they know that setup works.
They know exactly which products should go where to create the highest customer order value.
There’s a reason lawn and garden equipment is in the back corner…
And there’s a reason supplements, pills, creams and deoderant are near the front.
They’ve tested this.
And they know what sells the best in what spot.
So what does this mean for you?
Well same thing goes with any marketing you do…
If you have an info-product funnel that’s crushing, then maybe you should just model that exact funnel for your neext offer (i.e. similar copy structure, similar upsells).
Or if you wrote a sales page that is doing well for a client, then you should figure out how you can use that same sales page structure for another product.
This is what smart marketers do.
They find out what works…
And they do it over and over again.
Because figuring out “what works” is the hardest part of this business.
It takes a lot of time…
And a lot of money to figure out what works.
But once you know what works…
You have gold in your hands.
Every ad, email, sales page or funnel you make, you have a good chance of it working.
Cause you know what works.
This is a very simple idea…
But it’s one that can have a HUGE impact on your business.
Once you find something that’s working, just keep repeating it until it stops working.
Make sense?
I hope so…
Cause that’s all I got for ya today.
Enjoy your Thursday,
– Justin

P.S. – If you want to learn “what’s working now” when it comes to copy that converts, upsells, emails and more…
Then you should probably grab a ticket to our upcoming event at the end of August.
You’ll get to learn what’s working now from people like me, Stefan Georgi, Dan Ferrari, Rich Schefren, Josh Elitztxe, Sabah Karimi, Ian Stanley and even a mystery guest from the $400 million dollar Golden Hippo brand.
If you’re a copywriter, offer owner or media buyer, then you should be at this event.
Highly recommend you snag a ticket before they sell out (our last two live events sold out).
You can get the details on the event here.