One of the fastest ways to wind-up broke is to assume that your prospects are smart and logical people.
Take a look at this chart…
It’s a chart that shows how Democrats and Republicans have felt about the economy over the last 13 years.

Here’s what I find fascinating about the chart…
In 2021, your average Republican believes the economy right now is in a worse spot than it was in 2009 when the entire financial system nearly collapsed.
Think about that…
In 2009, the stock market dropped by 57%!
People’s retirements were wiped out…
Mortgages were being defaulted on at 4x the normal rate.
Unemployment went from 5% to 10.8%…
Every major bank had to be bailed out just so the whole system wouldn’t collapse.
Things got so bad, people were talking about 2009 being “the end of capitalism”…
Sounds pretty bleek, doesn’t it?
Well it was.
Which begs the question…
How on earth could someone say that things TODAY are worse economically than they were in 2009?
Well the answer is simple…
Their beliefs are not based on logic.
They’re based on emotion…
They “feel” like things are worse today because the news sources they watch tell them that…
They “feel” like things are worse today because they don’t like Joe Biden (both democrats and republicans believe the economy sucks when the other party is in office).
Basically it’s all about what they feel…
And what they feel is not logical.
Think about it…
The stock market is up like 24% this year…
Unemployment is the lowest it’s been in years…
Companies are paying higher wages since workers are in such high demand…
Sure there’s inflation going on…
And the government is printing money like a drunken sailor…
But objectively, things today are a whole lot better than they were in 2009.
Yet a big chunk of people don’t believe that.
Which brings me back to my original point…
When you’re writing copy, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is to assume that the person you’re writing to is logical.
So if you’re writing copy in the financial niche (where 80% of the buyers identify as Republicans)…
You better not assume that they are thinking logically…
“Oh the economy is doing well – stocks are up, crypto is booming, real estate is on a tear – all the readers I’m writing to probably think that too”
They don’t think like that.
And assuming so would be a big mistake.
Cause like I said…
People are not logical.
They’re emotional.
And what they believe has more to do with how they feel, than what is actually happening.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for ya today.
Enjoy your Thursday…
– Justin
Note: If you’re ready to 2-3x your income in 2022, then I’d be interested in helping you make that happen.
You can learn more about working with me here…